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14 Memes That Will Make Every Girl With Small Boobs Go “So Me”

Because we're proud members of the Itty Bitty Titty Community.

1. These hills are alive, I promise.

2. Please do.

3. 15 years and counting.

4. When I wear a plunging neckline.

5. At least my boobs are straight-A students.

6. My boobs - flat-lining since 2010.

7. Left boob and right boob, why you no get along?

8. These unsung heroes though.

9. And this little miracle worker.

10. Thank you for existing, padded bra.

11. Hello? Anybody home?

12. Meanwhile, I'm still praying for cleavage to happen.

13. It's always the small things.

14. Shoutout to these accidental good boob days.

Design Credits: Kumar Sonu
TAGS: boobssmalltinypaddedbrastrugglesmemeswomengirls,


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